What is domiciliary care?

Domiciliary (or Dom Care) is, in-home care provided by a healthcare professional. This type of care allows for the patient to continue their medical treatment in the privacy of their own home, without having to stay in hospital, hospice, or a care home. Domiciliary […]

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Products that support people living with Dementia

Despite the diagnosis, people living with dementia should be about to live well and supported from diagnosis to the advanced stages. As strides are made in the technological world, more products are being designed to help those living with dementia to make their lives […]

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Assisted living for children and young adults

When we think of the term ‘home care’, we tend to confuse it with a nursing home for the elderly, or presume it is only for a select group of people. However, home care is in fact an all-encompassing phrase for a whole host […]

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The future of home nursing care: What might 2030 bring?

It’s impossible to predict the future of home care, but with developments in technology and AI (artificial intelligence) across the medical profession, it’s hard to imagine that home nursing will go unaffected. Faster diagnosis, easier ways of monitoring elderly people who struggle with mobility, […]

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