Dying Matters Awareness Week

May 10, 2021 Palliative care

Dying Matters Awareness Week

Dying matters believes in an open culture that talks about death, and where people feel able to listen and support those who are planning for their end of life, who are dying and who have been bereaved. This years Dying Matters Awareness Week is on the 10th-16th May. The theme of this years awareness week is being in a good place to die. Unfortunately Covid-19 has ensured that the possibility of an untimely death has become a real focus for thought and discussion for all age groups.

It is estimated that now 99% of people wish to die in their own homes. Planning for the end of life care has a real positive impact on mental health and wellbeing – so take the first steps and discuss!

Death is inevitable for everyone – so why not plan for this?

There is no right or wrong place to die; it will be different for everyone. But it is important for families to think about it, to talk about it and to plan for it. Dying Matters want people of all ages to be in a good place when they die – physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually, digitally and with the right care in place.

Planning supports your choices, respects your wishes & ensures you die peacefully without pain in the setting of your choice surrounded by those you love. Your family has the chance to prepare for grief, and are confident that everything appropriate was done to help you – this is all covered at the end of life discussions and planning.

Dying Matters have a great range of suitable publications to help:

Things to do before you die:  

How to get started with thinking about what you want at the end of life, and starting to plan.

Supporting bereavement: 

It can be hard to know what to say or do when supporting someone bereaved. This leaflet is full of useful tips on how to help yourself and others in this difficult situation.

Let’s talk about dying: 

Talking about dying doesn’t make it happen, but it still feels taboo. This leaflet will help break those barriers and get you talking about the inevitable.

Talking about dying with people affected by dementia:

Talking about dying isn’t easy, but it can be more difficult if you are supporting someone with dementia. This leaflet is designed to support you through those conversations and get you talking and planning earlier with the ones you love.

Talking about death with children:  

We can’t protect children from death. This leaflet will help you talk to children to alleviate any fears or misunderstandings they may have about death and dying.

What to expect when someone important to you is dying: 

If you are caring for someone who is in the last stages of life, or who may be soon, this information is for you. It is designed to help prepare you for what to expect in the very last days and hours of a person’s life.

Join the @DyingMatters conversation on social media using the hashtags #InAGoodPlace and #DMAW21.

Make sure that you and your loved ones are in a good place to die – join the Dying Matters movement today!