Private Parkinsons Care at Home

Assisting a loved one with Parkinson’s disease can be a challenging experience, both mentally and physically. At Cavendish Homecare, we offer comprehensive Parkinson’s care services in London that help alleviate this pressure, and allowing you to focus on providing care and support where needed.

We recognise the unique needs of those living with Parkinson’s and offer comprehensive and personalised approach while still addressing specific needs, preferences and goals. We want to empower those living with Parkinson’s to live fulfilling lives.


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A person smiling and shaking hands with a person

Why Choose Us?

We understand that a Parkinson’s disease diagnosis can be a sensitive and difficult time for both the client and their loved ones. Our experienced team recognises the emotional stress and uncertainty that often come with a diagnosis, which can significantly impact a client’s quality of life. By working closely with clients and their families, we develop personalised care plans that address their specific needs and preferences, while also offering them both practical support and emotional support.

Our highly skilled nurses and carers can assist with daily activities, grooming, and physiotherapy activities to enhance the client’s quality of life. We offer a range of flexible care services, including live-in care, 24-hour care, and respite care, to ensure that clients receive the right level of support at all times and that their loved ones have peace of mind.

Our Service Includes:

  • Personalised care plan
  • Support with long-term planning
  • Medication management
  • Assistance with physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech and language therapy
  • Support with hospital appointments
  • Dietary advice/PEG feeding

Parkinson’s Respite Care

When caring for someone with Parkinson’s, it may be difficult to find the right balance of taking care of them and yourself. However, taking regular breaks from are an essential part of being a good caregiver. This allows you to take a break from daily responsibilities. Regular breaks can be anything from an hour daily to a couple days a month. Parkinson’s respite care will reduce burnout which as a caregiver, is a a complex concept that is subjective to every individual.

Parkinson’s respite care can be provided to give relief, whether a few hours or a couple of days, to caregivers. This will allow for time off which will help both the person living with Parkinson’s and caregiver recharge as well as socialise with others. To discover more about our respite care services see our page.

Parkinson’s Nurses

Parkinson’s nurses will have specialist skills and knowledge to provide expert care to people living with Parkinson’s. They are able to provide information to not only people living with Parkinson’s but also their families and others involved in the care. This ensures that everyone involved have a proper understanding of the condition and how best to support the person. Overall, a Parkinson’s nurse work on a preventative approach and will provide key elements of care to meet each person’s needs.

Get in touch to find out more about our Parkinson’s Care Services.

020 3993 7556
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Living with Parkinson’s disease can be emotionally, socially and physically demanding. In advanced stages, symptoms become more severe, and the individual diagnosed with Parkinson’s will require varying levels of assistance with daily living. Clients requiring Parkinson’s care at home means we offer the care and support needed for individuals to remain in their own homes, and maintain their independence and quality of life for as long as possible.

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological condition that will progress through 5 stages. Each stage has varying symptoms but not everyone will experience all symptoms, and the order will vary from person to person. Each stage will impact daily life differently as it can vary from mild tremors to severe motor impairment. Due to this, advance planning for additional support and home modifications is crucial for smooth management of life living with Parkinson’s.

At Cavendish Homecare, we provide specialised, private care for those living with Parkinson’s, including end stage Parkinson’s care in your home. Our comprehensive and personalised approach will address specific care needs, preferences and goals. Our flexible packages can also be adapted if circumstances change.

Parkinson’s symptoms develop and progresses slowly and will vary among individuals. However, there are some early warning signs of Parkinson’s disease that you can look out for as early detection will assist in better management and outcome for care. The signs are:

  1. Tremors
  2. Small handwriting
  3. Loss of smell
  4. Trouble sleeping
  5. Trouble moving or walking
  6. Constipation
  7. A soft or low voice
  8. Masked face
  9. Dizziness or fainting
  10. Stooping or hunching over

People living with Parkinson’s can feel frustrated at their inability to keep up with their families due to the symptoms they experience. However, some have said that their symptoms have eased when they are focused on creative therapies. There are many leisure and creative activities that families can do with their loved ones living with Parkinson’s to boost morale. This will range from listening to music to adaptive yoga sessions and outdoor family picnics.

There are many types of home care services that are available for people living with Parkinson’s disease. Care services you may require include live-in care arrangements, personal care, medication management, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and emotional support. Cavendish Homecare can assist with timely medications to reduce and manage symptoms such as muscle stiffness and difficulties with balance and coordination.

What our clients say about us….


The enquiry process - What to expect

Initial Enquiry

Initial Enquiry

The prospective client or someone acting on their behalf makes an initial enquiry. This can be via a phone call, a call back request or submitting an enquiry form via email. The enquiry is picked up by the office team who will gather the required information and then pass it through to one of our nurse managers.

Call Back from Nurse Manager

Call Back from Nurse Manager

One of the experienced nurse managers will give you a call back to discuss the needs in more detail and to provide their expert recommendation on the care that may be required. They will then discuss with you, what Cavendish Homecare may be able to provide, what the cost is and what timescale we would be able to commence your care.

Selection of Staff

Selection of Staff

Once an initial agreement is established, the nursing manager will start working with the bookings team to determine the most suitable nurse and/or carer are best matched with your needs.

Proposed agreement

Proposed agreement

Following the tailored care recommendation and the selection of staff. We ensure you (the client) are happy with the proposed course of action and the care is able to commence. In some cases, an assessment visit may be required and this will be undertaken by one of our nurse managers.

Active Client

Active Client

You will begin receiving outstanding homecare from our team, tailored to your needs. Your care plan will be under constant review to ensure the correct level of care is addressing your needs and being provided at all times.

The prospective client or someone acting on their behalf makes an initial enquiry. This can be via a phone call, a call back request or submitting an enquiry form via email. The enquiry is picked up by the office team who will gather the required information and then pass it through to one of our nurse managers.


This is why we do.
What we do.

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Our beloved mum is in safe hands

Thank you so much for arranging for Arrah to come tonight. She is a such a lovely kind, friendly and totally professional nurse. My sister and I will sleep well tonight knowing our beloved mum is in her safe hands.

woman reading a book on the sofa with a hot drink
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An absolute blessing for us all

“Mary is lovely to have in the house and a great help so thank you for sending her our way. An absolute blessing for us all and mum in particular.”

Women sitting at a table talking
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I looked forward to seeing the Registered Nurses everyday and felt safe enough to take the weight of all my medical stuff so that I could use my energy to do things made me feel like me. That’s been a priceless gift and I really am so, so grateful.

Mum and daughter smiling at each other