Acquired Brain Injury care at home

At Cavendish Homecare, we recognise that no journey with acquired brain injury (ABI) is the same. Our experienced and compassionate carers and registered nurses are accomplished in empowering individuals to regain cognitive, physical, and emotional function.

We are leaders in acquired brain injury homecare in London and the home counties, enabling our clients to flourish in the comfort of their own homes.

Contact Us

Woman reading a book on the sofa with dog beside her

Why Choose Us?

At Cavendish Homecare, we are specialists in acquired brain injury (ABI) care. Our team consists of highly qualified carers and nurses with a wide understanding of the intricacies of ABI, including everything from traumatic brain injuries to strokes and anoxic brain injuries. We are devoted to providing the highest quality of care, tailored to the specific needs of each individual.

We have a strong history of successful outcomes in supporting individuals with ABI in homes across London and the home counties. We are aware of how important familiarity and comfort is, especially when it comes to recovering from a brain injury. We offer a range of care options to suit your preferences, this includes 24/7 live-in care for those requiring continual support, hourly visiting care for those who need assistance with specific tasks, and respite care to give families a well-needed break.

We are a trusted partner in your ABI journey. Our carers and registered nurses are not only highly able, but also diligent and enthusiastic in providing dignified care that promotes recovery, independence, and an enhanced quality of life. We work closely with families and healthcare professionals to develop a bespoke person-centered care plan that considers your needs and goals. This personalised  approach ensures you receive the most supportive care possible in the comfort of your own home.

Treatment of Acquired Brain Injury

There are many treatments available to help individuals recover from an acquired brain injury. These could be physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech language therapy, cognitive rehabilitation, and medication management. At Cavendish Homecare, our team of clinical specialists works closely with each client to develop a tailored rehabilitation plan that addresses the specific challenges faced after a traumatic brain injury. We can provide in-home support with rehabilitation, assist with daily living activities, and offer emotional support throughout the recovery journey.

Our Service Includes

  • Advice on acquiring hospital equipment such as beds, moving and handling equipment
  • Live in care, day/night support, or visiting services
  • Mobility support and personal care
  • Clinical expertise, with highly skilled registered nurses or carers
  • Pain control including medication management
  • Collaboration with other healthcare professionals
  • Bespoke care plan, ensuring comfort and ease

Get in touch to find out more about our acquired brain injury care services.

020 3008 5210
Woman smiling for a staff photo

Contact Us

I want to find out more about…

Frequently Asked Questions

An acquired brain injury is an injury to the brain that is not genetic, congenital, degenerative, or caused by a birth trauma. It is a type of brain injury that has occurred after birth. It is also an umbrella term for all brain injuries, which are further split into two categories: traumatic and non-traumatic.

If your family or friend is affected by an acquired brain injury, read about the effects of brain injury and speak to them about which of the effects they experience. Encourage them to seek support from their GP or local adult social care team. Look out for your friend and family and offer help where needed, whether it is to lend a helping hand with shopping or occasional looking after their children or pets.

Acquired brain injury care at home can provide various benefits for those recovering post-brain injury. Assistance with activities of daily living tasks, rehabilitation, respite care, safety and emotional support are just a few to mention. ABI care at home contributes to and promotes recovery, and aids improving quality of life by helping with independence in one’s own home.

Ensure that the care provider has experience working with individuals with ABI in particular. Carers and nurses should have training and be qualified in ABI care. The care provider should offer a personalised care plan addressing the person’s specific condition, goals and preferences. Family involvement in the care plan development should also be supported as this often offers a greater refinement. Finally, consider the reputation of your care provider, search reviews online and gain insight into their services.

What our clients say about us….


The enquiry process - What to expect

Initial Enquiry

Initial Enquiry

The prospective client or someone acting on their behalf makes an initial enquiry. This can be via a phone call, a call back request or submitting an enquiry form via email. The enquiry is picked up by the office team who will gather the required information and then pass it through to one of our nurse managers.

Call Back from Nurse Manager

Call Back from Nurse Manager

One of the experienced nurse managers will give you a call back to discuss the needs in more detail and to provide their expert recommendation on the care that may be required. They will then discuss with you, what Cavendish Homecare may be able to provide, what the cost is, and what timescale we would be able to commence your care.

Selection of Staff

Selection of Staff

Once an initial agreement is established, the nursing manager will start working with the bookings team to determine the most suitable nurse and/or carer are best matched with your needs.

Proposed Agreement

Proposed Agreement

Following the tailored care recommendation and the selection of staff. We ensure you (the client) are happy with the proposed course of action and the care is able to commence. In some cases, an assessment visit may be required and this will be undertaken by one of our nurse managers.

Active Client

Active Client

You will begin receiving outstanding homecare from our team, tailored to your needs. Your care plan will be under constant review to ensure the correct level of care is addressing your needs and being provided at all times.

The prospective client or someone acting on their behalf makes an initial enquiry. This can be via a phone call, a call back request or submitting an enquiry form via email. The enquiry is picked up by the office team who will gather the required information and then pass it through to one of our nurse managers.


This is why we do.
What we do.

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We can't thank you enough

I just want to thank you both again for arranging continuous 24hr cover on such short notice and in such a trying time where resources are so strained. Without you, my mum would have likely spent additional weeks in hospital, denying her what she truly wanted – which was to die peacefully at home with her family. You and the nursing staff facilitated this, and we can’t thank you enough.

Carer visiting a senior lady - cavendish homecare
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Outstanding Care

Thank you so very much for supporting Lynne through what has been an unprecedented time. Thank you for the outstanding care you all have continued to provide despite hugely difficult times brought about by the Covid virus. The excellent training, attention to detail, organisation, communication devotion and compassion of all of your team during this time and in fact since you agreed to care for Lynne, is an absolute credit to you and our family wish to say a huge thank you to you all. The challenges of late stage MS are huge without the added difficulties of the pandemic. As you are aware without the astute nature and excellent training of your team, the recent situation that occurred for Lynne may have led to a very different outcome. I am so relieved to see Lynne back home and looking more like herself.

Woman hugging another woman - Complex care case
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It has exceeded my expectations

“I would just like to say how impressed and extremely pleased I am with Cavendish Homecare. From the first contact with Mairead just 8 days ago to a detailed conversation with Denise 2 days later leading to Lea commencing her full time live-in role looking after my parents last Thursday, it has exceeded my expectations.”

A group of women laughing