Appraisal Policy & Procedure
Cavendish Homecare Professionals believes that giving regular, honest and clear feedback to workers on their performance and behaviours at work is essential to assist them
- to carry out their tasks to the best of their ability
- to help workers gain job satisfaction
- to maximise their contribution to Cavendish Homecare Professionals’ objectives
Appraisals must
- identify individual’s professional developmental needs
- ensure that the individual is fully aware of what is required of them and the standards they are expected to maintain
- highlight the potential that each individual has to develop within his or her current position or into another
- ensure that workers are aware of the contribution they make to the achievement of the objectives of the organisation
Each worker will be appraised annually, and an exchange of views will take place between jobholders and their immediate manager(s). The summary of the appraisal interview is intended to be a fair representation of the discussion and referred to as a working document throughout the year.
Appraisal interviews will take place annually. Appraisal interviews should be carried out by the worker’s manager and held between only those two individuals. New workers will be appraised in their sixth month of employment, and thereafter annually.
Prior to an appraisal:
- The appraiser will inform the individual worker that their appraisal interview is due.
- The worker will be given a copy of the appraisal preparation form together with the current Job Description.
- The worker will be shown the appraisal form so that they are aware of the types of questions they will be asked / discussing.
The appraiser will gather appropriate information relevant to the performance review, such as supervision records, supervisors’ / other managers’ opinions, feedback from clients, and feedback from peers and colleagues. The appraisal interview will take place in private without any interruptions. The appraisal form will be completed by the appraiser shortly after the interview and a copy sent to the worker for review. If the worker agrees with the content of the appraisal document they must sign and return the form within 7 days.
The completed appraisal form and action plan are working documents and as such should be referred to and reviewed throughout the year.
Date: January 2025
Version: 10 (Review)