Whether you have recently undergone surgery or have been living with a stoma for some time, life with one can be daunting. However, with the right support and information, people living with a stoma will lead a fulfilling life. A stoma pouch is secure […]
Read moreHaving a stoma can be a life-changing experience. Depending on the underlying medical condition, a stoma can be either temporary, allowing the digestive system to heal, or permanent. Ensuring that a stoma is properly maintained and remains healthy is essential for minimising risks and […]
Read moreWhat is a stoma? According to Colostomy UK the terms ‘stoma’ and ‘ostomy’ are often used interchangeably. A stoma is an opening on the surface of the abdomen which has been surgically created to divert the flow of faeces or urine. People who have […]
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