Being Prepared For a CQC Inspection

When the CQC inspects our service they will engage with those in the office and will expect everyone to have at least a basic understanding of issues which concern providers of health and social care, ie us.

Everybody has a role to play in ensuring that the inspectors see the great work that the service does.

The following should serve as a reminder and help you to answer the inspector’s questions in a knowledgeable way.

  • CQC

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator for health and social care in England. It makes sure services such as hospitals, care homes, dentists and GP surgeries provide people with safe, effective, compassionate and high-quality care, and encourages these services to improve.

  • Regulated Activities

Cavendish Homecare is registered with the CQC for the regulated activities of Personal Care and Treatment of Disease, Disorder or Injury.

  • Registered Manager

Each provider is required to have a manager who registers with CQC.  Mairead Liston is the Registered Manager.

  • Nominated Individual

Each provider is required to have a Nominated Individual who is responsible for supervising the management of the regulated activities provided.  The Nominated Individual is Denise Moore.

  • Fundamental Standards

The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 form the basis of the regulations to which we must adhere.  The Fundamental Standards are embedded in the regulations and are the standard below which the service must never fall.

  • 5 Key Areas

  CQC will look for evidence that we are operating a service which is –

          1.) safe

          2.) effective

          3.) caring

          4.) responsive

          5.) well-led

  • The CQC Quality Statements

The CQC has 34 Quality Statements which show how providers need to work to plan and deliver high-quality care.  Each key question, safe, effective, responsive and well-led, has a number of quality statements that the CQC will us to assess during an inspection.  Here is an example of a Quality Statement linked to Consent – ‘We tell people about their rights around consent and respect these when we deliver person-centred care and treatment’.

  • The QCQ ‘I’ Statements

The CQC expects services to provide care in accordance with ‘I’ Statements which reflect what people have said matters to them. Here is an example of an ‘I’ Statement – ‘I have care and support that is co-0rdinated and everyone works well together and with me’.

  • Ratings

Following the inspection, the CQC will issue a report and give the service a rating which we are required to display in the office and on our website.

The ratings are:

          1.) Outstanding

          2.) Good

          3.) Requires improvement

          4.) Inadequate

  • Safeguarding

Safeguarding means protecting people’s health, wellbeing and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. It is fundamental to high-quality health and social care. Cavendish Homecare has a robust Safeguarding Policy which underpins our practice.  It is mandatory that workers attend Safeguarding training annually.

  •  Complaints

Cavendish Homecare has a Complaints Policy and Procedure in place.  If a complaint is received it is dealt with in accordance with the policy.  The Complaints Policy is included in the Client Guide and the Staff Handbook.

  • Accidents / Incidents

In accordance with the Accident Policy an Incident Form much be completed in the event of anything untoward occurring, including a drug error.

  • Notifiable Incidents

It is a statutory requirement that Cavendish Homecare Professionals submits Notification to the QCQ following particular changes, events and incidents, including Death of a Service User, Change in the Statement of Purpose or an Allegation of Abuse.


Date: January 2025

Version: 4 (Review)