Leadership and Management Policy


Cavendish Homecare Professionals aims to ensure that strong and effective leadership and management is provided at all times that ensures the safety and well-being of clients.


In this organisation:

  • Management and the quality, competence and development of managers will be considered key priorities in the running of the organisation, with sufficient resources being employed to support managers to perform their roles successfully.
  • Managers will be employed who are appropriately qualified and experienced, who have the qualities to uphold the highest standards of the organisation at all times, and who can manage the service to the highest standards.
  • An ethos of excellence and achievement will be established and supported by management and managers. This involves providing a service that is open, transparent, innovative, inclusive and committed to offering compassionate person-centred care of the highest quality.
  • Managers will be expected to reflect the ethos and philosophy of the organisation at all times, communicating a clear sense of direction and leadership to staff which reflects the aims and purpose of the organisation.
  • Managers will be expected to always strive to promote and safeguard the well-being and interests of its clients.
  • Managers will be expected to have the skills to develop and implement systems and policies to monitor, assess and improve service provision and delivery, ensuring that the organisation delivers compassionate care that meets requirements and reflects best evidence-based practice.
  • Managers will be expected to have the skills to develop and implement policies and strategies for assessing and managing all risks to the safety and well-being of clients, including monitoring and reviewing health and safety/risk assessment systems and investigating and analysing accident and incident reports.
  • Managers will be expected to have the skills to provide staff with positive leadership and support and act as role models for junior staff – they should be honest and open in all of their actions, including dealing with financial transactions.
  • Managers will be expected to adhere to professional values and practices, accessing training and supervision as required, fulfilling their continuous professional development (CPD) and registration requirements and demonstrating their competencies through regular supervision and annual appraisal.
  • Managers will be expected to show commitment to involving clients, carers and other stakeholders in the running of the service, gaining client feedback on a regular basis and investigating and responding positively to all complaints.
  • Managers will be expected to demonstrate a commitment to continuous quality improvement, which will include embracing and supporting change and innovation.
  • Managers will be expected to manage staff according to the organisation’s employment law policies and human resources policies in a way that is inclusive, fair and based on equal opportunities and respect for diversity.
  • The managerial and leadership requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 and the Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009 will be met at all times, including all governance and quality assurance requirements, reporting and notification requirements, and all requirements relating to the training and competence of the registered person and managers.

Management duties

Cavendish Homecare Professionals Managers have a duty to:

  • always strive for excellence in both themselves and in the staff that they are responsible for
  • show leadership and direction in their day-to-day and strategic management of the organisation
  • create an atmosphere and culture in the organisation that is open, positive and inclusive
  • monitor and respond to any concerns relating to the safeguarding of clients
  • monitor service quality and work to ensure a continuous cycle of service improvement and excellence in all areas
  • always support the provision of high-quality, compassionate care
  • encourage innovation and creativity and support change in a positive and effective way
  • encourage training and learning on the part of staff
  • monitor complaints and compliments relating to services and respond to them appropriately
  • monitor accidents and incident reports and respond to them appropriately
  • properly employ staff management, supervision and appraisal skills to ensure that staff are working to the best of their potential and have the appropriate support to excel at work
  • provide sound governance throughout the service
  • work in partnership with other organisations to safeguard clients and ensure the provision of safe care.


  • Managers will be expected to attend all training required for their role, including advanced safeguarding training, health and safety training (including fire training) and human resources training (including training in recruitment, equality and diversity, and appraisal).
  • Managers will be given full access to sufficient continuing professional development opportunities that meet their professional development needs and the needs of their professional regulation.
  • Managers will themselves be provided with adequate supervision and appraisal.

Applicability and scope

This policy applies to all managers and supervisors working in or for the organisation without exception. All managers have responsibility for ensuring that they work within the remit of this policy and in the manner in which they have been trained.



Date: January 2025

Version: 8 (Review)

Source:  ECM