Nutrition & Hydration Policy


The overall aim of the policy is to establish standards of work, which enhance the well-being of Cavendish Homecare Professionals and provide guidelines and safeguards for staff.


Cavendish Homecare Professionals will work to ensure a safe and reliable nutritional care service is offered to clients.  In order to do this we will –

  • seek specialist nutritional advice when significant medical conditions are present, including end of life care
  • respect any cultural or religious requirements there may be with regard to the provision of a nutritional care service.
  • ensure staff should have an awareness of the risk of malnutrition and the importance of providing good nutritional care for all clients
  • carry out routine nutritional screening
  • referred clients to their GP if there are concerns
  • respect the dietary needs and preferences of clients
  • consult clients regarding their food preferences
  • cook and serve food attractively.
  • ensure that staff have sufficient time and skills to prepare a meal of choice for clients
  • seek specialist assessments where a person has cognitive and communication difficulties
  • keep eating environments clean and well maintained
  • ensure that clients have access to food and fluids at all times

Principles of Good Practice

Dignity and care – respect for people receiving care, ensuring that meals are nutritious, appetising and appropriate

Choice – ensuring people’s preferences are taken into account when providing food and fluids

Screening – nutritional screening and improving intake where necessary, should be a key part of assessment and care planning

Prioritising mealtimes – ensuring that mealtimes are respected and not interrupted by other routine activities and that sufficient assistance is offered and that the environment is conducive to eating

Training – staff should receive training to ensure that they have a nutritional knowledge base appropriate to their role; the training should also equip those working with people with communication and cognitive difficulties with the skills to communicate appropriately

Accountability – ensuring everyone takes responsibility for good nutritional care for clients



Date: January 2025

Version: 9 (Review)

Source: NHS