Preparing for a CQC Inspection Policy & Procedure


  • Cavendish Homecare Professionals regards inspection by the regulator (CQC) as an important aspect of the regulatory framework designed to ensure public confidence in the social care sector.
  • Cavendish Homecare Professionals is committed to complying with all relevant legislation and standards and to meeting its obligations in respect of the inspection process as detailed in the following procedure.
  • This policy and procedure is to be followed by all members of the team whatever their role.
  • Staff must familiarise themselves with this policy and procedure and if they have any questions these should be addressed to the Registered Manager without delay.


Welcoming the inspection team – Staff must introduce themselves to members of the inspection team and should greet them in a professional manner.

Checking Identification – The staff member who is the first to meet the inspection team should ask each member of the inspection team to produce their identification. If there is any doubt about the identification the inspection team should be prevented from having access to information until the person in charge is able to confirm their identify by phoning the CQC office. If the identification cannot be confirmed by this method the visitors may be asked to leave.

Fire and other risks – The manager should advise the inspection team of the fire procedure, including any planed fire drills, and any other risks which are present.

Hospitality –  The person in control should advise the members of the inspection team where the toilets are, offer refreshments etc.

Introductions – The staff member accompanying the inspection team members must introduce them to other staff. This introduction should be done in the spirit of this policy and procedure i.e. that inspection is a positive occurrence.

Designated place to work – Then manager should advise members of the inspection team where within the office they can work.

Access to records – Members of the inspection team have the right of access to all records in connection with the running of the service. Copies of records must not be supplied without the consent of the Registered Manager.

Dealing with questions from the inspection team – Staff members must answer questions truthfully and honestly. If staff members do not understand the question they must advise the inspection team. Under no circumstances should staff members lie or obstruct the inspection team.

Inspection record – Cavendish Homecare Professionals has developed an inspection record which is to be completed by a manager.  This completed record should be retained.

Interference with duties – If staff feel that the inspection team is preventing them from meeting the needs of clients they should politely advise the inspection team of this and request that they speak to someone else in the first instance.



Date: January 2025

Version: 9 (Review)

Source: Tim Dallinger

Social Care Consultants Ltd