Slips, Trips and Falls Policy
The aim of this policy is to ensure that staff, clients and all people using our services are protected, as far as is reasonably practicable, from slip, trip and fall hazards in and around the home premises.
Policy content
At Cavendish Homecare Professionals the risks of slips, trips and falls will be reduced by:
- ensuring that all health and safety risk assessments include an assessment of the risks of slips, trips and falls for all clients, and especially for clients who are elderly and/or have impaired vision or mobility
- putting in place effective policies and procedures for reducing the risk of slips, trips and falls
- ensuring that all clients are assessed for any history of falls – those with a history of falls will have a risk assessment conducted and the results added to their Care Plan
- ensuring that all staff are trained in falls prevention and in the recognition and reporting of potential slip, trip and fall hazards
- strictly controlling access to areas where floors are wet after cleaning or where spillages have occurred
- putting in place clear procedures for cleaning up spillages, including water left on the floor after baths, quickly and efficiently
- banning the use of loose rugs and mats
- ensuring that external footpaths are regularly cleared of leaves and de-iced in the winter
- discourage the use of training socket extension leads
- carrying out regular checks to ensure that worn or frayed carpets, and raised carpet edges, are identified and repaired or replaced
- ensuring that secure and obvious handrails are fitted for all steps and stairs – on both sides if necessary for stability
- removing protruding or obstructing items of furniture or equipment
- providing adequate lighting to enable people to see obstructions and potentially slippery or uneven areas so that staff can work safely and clients can move about safely
- putting in place an active falls prevention programme which includes:
- performing a slips, trips and falls risk assessment for high risk clients such as those with limited mobility, with conditions such as osteoporosis or with conditions affecting their balance
- ensuring that dependent or infirm clients are supervised as appropriate
- accessing falls-prevention advice from care professionals, including physiotherapist and occupational therapist support where required to implement treatment and prevention strategies
- providing systems for summoning help such as call alarms
- ensuring that beds and chairs are appropriate to individual needs and in good repair
- providing an adequate, nutritious diet
- reviewing medication regimes and making clients and relatives aware of any drug side effects related to falls.
Management duties
- ensure that all staff are aware of and implement this policy
- ensure that an effective incident-reporting process is in place, that any slips, trips or falls, or near misses, are accurately reported and that regular scrutiny of accident reports is
- conducted to identify if slip, trip and fall hazards are being effectively controlled, that is, if reported incidents are reducing in number
- ensure that adequate and suitable training programmes are carried out which includes induction training on slips, trips and falls for new staff and falls prevention training for care staff.
Staff duties
Staff have a duty to:
- familiarise themselves with this policy
- report any slip, trip or falls incident or hazard to Cavendish Homecare Professionals immediately
- conduct any activities involving electrical equipment in a careful manner to minimise the dangers from trailing wires
- practice good housekeeping procedures to prevent items and objects being left on the floor
- attend appropriate training
Date: January 2025
Version: 10 (Review)
Source: Expert Care Manager