Staff Induction Policy
Cavendish Homecare Professionals aims to ensure that all new staff complete a suitable induction programme when they start work.
Our objective is to meet the CQC Fundamental Standards and comply with the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.
Regulation 18: Staffing, states that persons employed by a service provider in the provision of a regulated activity must receive appropriate support, training, professional development, supervision and appraisal as is necessary to enable them to carry out the duties they are employed to perform.
CQC states that:
- providers must ensure that they have an induction programme in place that adequately prepares staff for their role
- inspectors will expect that providers who employ healthcare assistants and social care support workers will follow the Care Certificate standards to make sure new staff are supported, skilled and assessed as competent to carry out their roles
- the training, learning and development needs of individual staff members must be assessed at the start of employment and reviewed at appropriate intervals during the course of employment
- where appropriate, new staff must be supervised until they can demonstrate required/acceptable levels of competence to carry out their role unsupervised
- All new members of staff must complete induction training when they start work with Cavendish Homecare Professionals.
- Induction programmes will be organised in-house and will incorporate completion of the Care Certificate standards by the worker, ideally within 12 weeks of commencing.
- All induction programmes will include an identification of training or development needs which will feed into the appraisal system and will indicate any training courses individual staff will be required to complete.
- Induction programmes will include training in essential areas of health and safety relevant to the role of the new staff member, including relevant policies and procedures, incident reporting requirements and control measures.
- Cavendish Homecare Professionals will keep careful records of induction training activities so that the effectiveness of the training can be demonstrated and records provided to inspectors if requested.
Management duties
Managers have a duty to:
- ensure that appropriate induction training policies and procedures are in place and are effectively implemented and supported
- ensure that new care support staff are supported and enabled to complete the Care Certificate within 12 weeks of starting work, providing such supervision, assessment and support as is required
- ensure that new staff attend all statutory and mandatory health and safety training required of them
- carry out training needs analysis of new staff to identify training requirements and inform the development of training programmes and personal development plans
- regularly audit the use of this policy and the attendance and effectiveness of induction programmes
Staff duties
Staff have a duty to:
- comply fully with organisational training policies, including induction programmes where they are new to the organisation
- attend all statutory and mandatory training requirements
- attend all other appropriate training programmes as requested by their line-manager.
Date: January 2025
Version: 9 (Review)
Source: Expert Care Manager