Supervision Policy & Procedure
Cavendish Homecare Professionals believes that supervision is a regular, planned and accountable process which provides a safe and supportive environment for reflecting on social care practice and using professional judgement and discretion to make well informed decisions.
Supervisions are an integral part of a wider framework of interrelated staffing processes to:
- Support staff in their social care roles and to achieve their professional development goals
- Support safe practice and positive outcomes for users of adult social care services
- Ensure that Cavendish Homecare Professionals’ goal to deliver high quality care services is met
Supervisions are part of a wider framework of interrelated activities which together support the delivery of high quality services by providing staff with opportunities:
- to understand Cavendish Homecare Professionals’ requirements
- for supported learning and professional development
- to discuss, reflect on, review and learn from experiences in the workplace
- to develop and maintain good standards of social care and positive risk management practices in complex practices situations
Supervisions and the resultant records contribute to the effectiveness of the quality system. Supervision reports contribute to annual performance appraisals and may result in requirements for further training or other professional development. Supervision records may contribute to disciplinary proceedings.
Between planned supervision sessions, supervisors will be available to provide guidance and advice in situations where immediate support is required.
Supervisors and supervisees are expected to prepare for each supervision session in advance so that supervision time is as productive as possible.
Each planned supervision session will include the core components of reflection, workload management, quality assurance, positive risk management and professional development.
Supervisors will monitor any apparent stressors, the supervisee’s coping strategies and any physical or emotional health issues.
The supervisor for most staff will be their day to day line manager.
The frequency of supervisions will depend on:
- the nature of the supervisee’s role and responsibilities
- the supervisee’s level of experience, competency and length of time in the role
- the complexity of the supervisee’s work
- the supervisee’s individual support needs
Supervision records will be retained and a copy given to the supervisee.
Date: January 2025
Version: 9 (Review)