Getting help with grief after bereavement or loss

June 1, 2024 Grief and Bereavement

Getting help with grief after bereavement or loss

What is grief?

Grief is described as a powerful, sometimes overwhelming feeling for people, often arising from the loss of a loved one or a fatal diagnosis. People who are suffering from grief may find themselves feeling numb and disconnected from normal life. Everyone’s experience of grief is different; however, it is a completely normal reaction to loss. Many struggle to resume regular duties when suffering from a loss.

Grief is both a universal and a personal experience. It is advised by experts, for those who are suffering from grief to understand that the process is uncontrollable, and to prepare for varying stages. Often, understanding your suffering fully can help, in addition to talking to others who are around to support you through your pain.

Grief has no time frame, it can last weeks, months or even years. If you need support throughout your grieving process, consult your health care professional. Third-party help is often more beneficial to people trying to recover and adjust to death or diagnosis.

Different types of grief

According to Talk Space, there are 16 different forms of grief. Some of these include normal grief, anticipatory grief, chronic grief, delayed and distorted grief. Grief is a largely misunderstood aspect of life, with it going unrecognised most of the time. Recognising and accepting your loss is frequently the healthiest approach to getting through it.

Anticipatory grief

If you’re expecting to lose someone close to you in the near future, anticipatory grief is quite common. You might start imagining life without your loved ones to prepare for the coming loss. This form of grief is especially prevalent when someone you care about is suffering from a terminal illness.

Chronic grief

When extraordinarily emotional feelings of loss do not subside, chronic grieving develops. These feelings will last a long time and lead you to be in excruciating pain that will only get worse. This form of grief will not allow you to make much, if any, progress in moving towards healing.

Collective grief

When a tragedy impacts an entire community or large group, it is referred to as collective grief. It’s frequent during wartime and after large natural disasters with long-term consequences. Other times when we see communal grieving is when a cherished public figure dies or when a terrorist attack occurs.

Seeking support

We understand it can be extremely difficult to speak to someone about your grief. If you, or someone you know may be suffering, there are charities and resources available that can support you. Bereavement support lines trained professionals are available around the United Kingdom to support and guide people who are suffering from grief.

Some of these include:

  • Abigail’s Footsteps – a baby loss charity providing support and counselling to bereaved parents and families.
  • Army Widows Association – a support service for widows and widowers of service men and women.
  • Survivors of bereavement by suicide – a charity to support those who have been affected by suicide bereavement.
  • CALM – support after suicide services.
  • Cruse Bereavement – the UK’s leading bereavement charity.
  • Mind – a mental health charity providing advice and support to empower anyone experiencing mental health problems.
  • Child Bereavement – helping children, young people, parents and families rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies.
  • The Compassionate Friends – supporting bereaved parents and their families.
  • Samaritans – a charity aimed to providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope or at risk of suicide.

Charity support for 2024

At Cavendish Homecare, our chosen charity to support in 2022 is Cruse Bereavement. We recognise the hard work and support provided by the Cruse team, counselling those who are struggling to come to terms with their grief. They are available to help you, no matter how long you have been grieving.

How can Cavendish Homecare help?

Cavendish Homecare provides flexible, comprehensive and responsive support to help you maintain the highest quality of private homecare. To learn more about our homecare services, such as palliative care and how we can assist with your needs, please reach out to our team, we are here to discuss further and address any questions or concerns you may have.

About the Author…

Sophie Cramer

Senior Marketing Executive

Commencing her marketing journey with a bachelor’s degree from Nottingham Trent University, Sophie Cramer seamlessly transitioned into her role as a marketing executive.

Sophie’s proficiency extends to adept copywriting, where she shares her insights through editorials and articles in prestigious luxury publications, including Mayfair Times, Abode2, and NR Times. Additionally, in partnership with our charity partner, Cruse Bereavement, Sophie played a pivotal role in coordinating and participating in numerous fundraising events dedicated to raising awareness and support.

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