Registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council

February 29, 2024 Accreditations

Registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council

Safeguarding and Elevating Nursing and Midwifery Care in the UK

The National Midwifery Council (NMC), with its over 808,000 registered nurses, midwives, and nursing associates, plays a vital role in ensuring everyone in the UK receives safe, effective, and compassionate care. This commitment translates into three core functions:

  • Setting high standards: The NMC rigorously sets and upholds education and professional qualifications for practitioners, guaranteeing their competence and knowledge.
  • Maintaining a trusted register: They provide a public register of all qualified and eligible professionals, ensuring transparency and building public confidence.
  • Investigating concerns: While rare, the NMC addresses any concerns raised about a registered professional’s conduct or practice, upholding the profession’s integrity and protecting patient safety.

Beyond regulation, the NMC actively supports the professions they govern:

  • Developing and maintaining the code: This document outlines the core principles and ethical guidelines that all registrants must adhere to, fostering a culture of professionalism and ethical practice.
  • Offering ongoing learning: The NMC recognises the importance of continuous learning and provides resources to help professionals stay up-to-date.
  • Engaging with the public: They actively seek public input to ensure they fulfill their commitment to safe and effective care.

The NMC’s values

  • Fairness: This core value ensures transparency and trust as both a regulator and employer.
  • Kindness: Compassion is fundamental to the healthcare professions.
  • Ambition: The NMC strives for continual improvement and progress in the healthcare sector.
  • Collaboration: Working hand-in-hand with stakeholders fosters a supportive and effective healthcare system.

The code and its application

The NMC’s Code serves as the cornerstone of professional practice for nurses, midwives, and nursing associates, outlining the standards they uphold to be registered. While responsibilities may differ between nurses and nursing associates, they both apply the Code’s principles towards the well-being of their patients.

Nurses at Cavendish Homecare

Cavendish Homecare ensures the highest quality care by employing nurses registered with the NMC. This guarantees our nurses meet the strict professional standards and qualifications necessary to deliver safe and effective care in your home.

Seeking home care for post-operative recovery? Contact us to discuss how we can support your journey back to health.