The Cavendish Homecare team embarked on a challenging yet rewarding journey – conquering the virtual Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Marathon!
A dedicated group consisting of Sophie, Charlie, Colleen , Misha, Flames and Cathrina walked an incredible 26 miles over 8 hours, showcasing their resilience and determination.
Despite facing unpredictable weather conditions, the team persevered, enjoying the picturesque scenery of the Kent coast while supporting a fantastic cause.
The team’s efforts were dedicated to Cruse Bereavement Support, an organisation that provides invaluable support to people grieving the loss of a loved one. Sarah Bingham and the entire Cruse team were instrumental in providing encouragement and motivation throughout the marathon.
This remarkable achievement and fundraising of £1,500 demonstrates the dedication and compassion of the Cavendish Homecare team. Their support of Cruse Bereavement highlights their commitment to making a positive impact on the community.
Congratulations to the team on their incredible accomplishment!