Caring for a parent with dementia at home

April 25, 2023 Alzheimer’s Care, Dementia care

Caring for a parent with dementia at home

When a family member is diagnosed with dementia, the transition of caring for them at home can often become difficult to deal with, however, prepared you might feel. Fully understanding dementia and how it may affect someone’s life can make caring for a senior much easier. Equipping yourself with the knowledge of how the disease progresses will prepare you for any challenge you might face.

Caring for a parent with dementia at home

When becoming a sole carer for a person with dementia, you may feel stuck, lost, or in over your head, but there are many forms of support you can benefit from as a dementia carer. These benefits are there specifically to help people like you. They are there to help give you an opportunity to share, to find like-minded people, and to give you some respite.

Finding ways to improve your loved one’s life can make caring for them much easier. Keeping their daily routine, the same, allows for structure each day. It is also helpful for you to write down to-do lists for them to try, allowing them to remain occupied throughout the day.

Knowing the early signs of dementia

Dementia has a number of symptoms, each of which varies from one person to the next. It also depends on how far along they are with the disease and the type of dementia they have. The early signs of dementia include:

  • Increased confusion
  • Personality/Behavioural changes
  • Loss of ability to do every day tasks
  • Memory loss, remembering recent events
  • Reduction in concentration

If you are caring for a parent with dementia at home, it can be a challenging and emotional journey. It is essential to remember that you are not alone and that there are resources available to help you.

Gaining a better understanding of the condition

There are number of different types of dementia, and they are all progressing. This indicates that while symptoms may appear to be moderate at first, they frequently worsen over several years. Problems with language, reasoning, memory, problem-solving, and frequently changes in emotions, perception, or behaviour are among the most common.

Each stage of dementia is just a guide; the warning signs always varies depending on the patient. Dementia does not progress according to a precise or predetermined set of events that take place uniformly in every case of dementia. It can often be difficult to tell when a person’s dementia has progressed from one stage to another.

Keeping track of disease progression

Since dementia has been discovered, doctors have devised a number of methods to examine and monitor the condition. These include memory tests, follow up appointments, CT, and MRI scans. Although every case of dementia is different, these tests allow for doctors to keep on top of the progression of the disease. These tests check on cognitive function and how far it has decreased.

Working with healthcare providers

When caring for a parent with dementia at home, working with healthcare providers to develop a written care plan can be extremely beneficial. Typically, when your loved one is first diagnosed, an in-home care agency or care community will work with you to develop care plans for the person with dementia. Insights on the person’s preferences and routine will be provided by the family caregivers. The person with dementia should be included in the care planning process, if at all possible.

As the disease progresses, the needs of the person with dementia will change, where particular types of care may no longer be needed. Healthcare providers will review the care plan in place and adjust them wherever necessary.

Coping with Dementia in parents

Reaching out and finding support groups can be a good way of relieving tension and uncertainty when caring for people with dementia. It can be helpful to speak to people who are in a similar position, combined knowledge can be a way of increasing quality of life. Although it can be positive and rewarding being a full time carer, looking after yourself and your mental health is important, avoiding any unnecessary stress.

When providing dementia care for your parents, communication can often be the most difficult part. It is always important to take your loved ones wishes into consideration when they are struggling with alzheimer s disease.

There are a number of steps you can take to communicate efficiently with your loved ones:

Refrain from power struggles

It is important to not push or nag your parent with dementia too much as this can cause tension and uncertainty. Avoid making any ultimatums as this will only cause arguing, and it is crucial to not damage your relationship.

Prioritising their preferences

When caring for a parent with dementia at home, compromise is key. Taking your loved ones preferences into consideration can strengthen your relationship and ensures they are conformable with their care.

Keeping it simple

When asking your loved one’s questions, refrain from asking open-ended questions or giving too many choices. It can often be overwhelming, simplifying questions can allow for better communication. It is also helpful for you to ask one question at a time.

Communicate Assertively

When caring for a parent with dementia at home. it is important to communicate assertively. This means respecting their wants and desires while also understanding what is best for them. By using assertive communication, both parties can have a respectful conversation, reducing any conflict between you and your aging parents.

How can Cavendish Homecare help?

Caring for a parent with dementia at home can be emotionally and physically challenging. You may require additional support at home. At Cavendish Homecare we can help support you and your loved ones with our expertise in delivering dementia care at home. We know that being diagnosed with Dementia can have a huge emotional, social, and psychological effect on both the person suffering and their family. Therefore, we ensure specialist care in the comfort of one’s own home.

Please call our Homecare team on 0203 008 5210 or email us to see how we can assist you.