New Research Articles

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Good Cholesterol used to predict heart attack and stroke risk

What is Cholesterol? Cholesterol is a waxy, fatty type substance found in all the cells of our body. Our bodies need cholesterol to help make hormones that digest food, vitamin D etc. We can get cholesterol from food such as egg yolks, meat and […]

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Chocolate & Cognitive Function

There are many reasons why you might want to give someone chocolate on Valentine’s Day. There’s the tradition of it, and the idea of sweets for your sweetheart. Here’s another tempting reason: certain compounds in chocolate called cocoa flavanols which have recently been linked […]

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Mobile robo-surgeons and keyhole surgery

What is keyhole surgery? Keyhole surgery, also known as laparoscopy, is a type of surgical procedure. The procedure allows a surgeon to access parts of the body without having to make large incisions in the skin. When is keyhole surgery used? Keyhole surgery is […]

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In-Home Breathing Device

The NHS defines COPD as the collective name for a group of lung conditions causing breathing difficulties. The breathing problems tend to worsen overtime. Therefore, limiting normal activities such as cooking, shopping, getting dressed and personal care. However, treatment can help keep the condition under control.

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Mobile Health Apps – what are the advantages?

Mobile Technology Mobile health apps are slowly becoming the ‘norm’ to provide better healthcare and health facilities at the fingertips of the user. There are a wide range of mobile apps that can benefit a person’s health needs. These range from tracking your sleeping […]

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A blood sugar testing tool could replace the common finger-prick test

Measuring Blood Sugar Levels Measuring blood sugar levels, for many people, means pricking a finger with a needle and using a glucometer to take the reading. Alternatively, a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) can be used which involves implanting a thin wire beneath the skin. […]

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