March 10, 2023 Dementia care
Reasons why music boosts brain activity
Music can evoke emotion even in the most advanced people living with dementia By pairing music with everyday activities, people living with dementia can develop a rhythm that helps them recall the memory of that activity, thus improving cognitive ability over time. Musical aptitude […]
Read moreMarch 10, 2023 Respite Care
Respite care needed for sandwich carers
What is respite care? The BBC reported that overstretched ‘sandwich carers’ are caring for their children as well as their elderly loved ones leading them to need emotional support themselves. Being a full-time carer can be very demanding physically, mentally and emotionally. In order […]
Read moreMarch 9, 2023 Palliative care
What are the principles of palliative care?
What is palliative care? The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines it as “the active total care of patients whose disease is not responsive to curative treatment. Control of pain, other symptoms, and psychological, social and spiritual problems, is paramount. The goal of palliative care […]
Read moreMarch 8, 2023 End of Life Care
End of life care for Motor Neurone Disease (MND)
What is Motor Neurone Disease (MND)? Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is a life-limiting, rare condition that affects the brain and nerves. It progressively damages parts of the nervous system which causes weakness that gets worse over time. While there is no cure for MND, […]
Read moreMarch 6, 2023 Alzheimer’s Care
Wearable technology detecting Alzheimer’s
There has been rapid growth in the market for smart watches and Fitbits. From counting your steps to tracking how much sleep you are getting each night, the metrics we can measure are expanding. Edon (Early detection of Neurodegenerative diseases) is spearheading a project […]
Read moreFebruary 25, 2023 Health and Wellness
What is the importance of a balanced diet?
Living a perfectly healthy lifestyle is not easy. When it comes to a balanced diet, there are many aspects that must be considered and factored in, but there is no questioning the importance of healthy food in your life. Maintaining a proper diet leaves […]
Read moreFebruary 20, 2023 Holiday Care Support
Holiday destinations for elderly parents
Family holidays are the ideal opportunity to bring together older and younger generations. Organising holidays for elderly parents are a great way to help bond and give them a new lease on life with fresh perspective and a much-needed change of scenery. Whichever destination […]
Read moreFebruary 16, 2023 Private Nursing
Can I get nurses for home care?
If you or a family member are living alone at home, are suffering with an illness and require further support, you may have questions about getting additional support. You will have to consider several things when you or a loved one begins to age […]
Read moreFebruary 15, 2023 Charities
British Heart Foundation
British Heart Foundation Cavendish Homecare Professionals are proud supporters of the British Heart Foundation (BHF). The British Heart Foundation is a leading research charity, in the United Kingdom, supporting heart and circulatory diseases. BHF raise money to research cures and treatments and have funded […]
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