Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Care at Home
At Cavendish Homecare, we understand that every journey with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is different, our outstanding care is personalised to our client’s needs.
We are leaders in exceptional Motor Neurone Disease care across London and the home counties. Our approach empowers clients to manage symptoms and maintain independence in the comfort of their own home.
Contact UsWhy Choose Us?
Our team of expert nurses and carers understand the unique challenges of living with Motor Neurone Disease. This depth of experience enables our team to understand the physical as well as the emotional and psychological effect MND can have. We work closely with healthcare professionals to facilitate a comprehensive approach to your care at home.
Our homecare services enable you to remain independent in your familiar surroundings, surrounded by loved ones, minimising stress and anxiety, while receiving the expert care and support you need to manage your MND effectively.
Treatment of Motor Neurone Disease
While there is currently no cure for MND, there are options at hand that help manage symptoms and positively impact quality of life for those living with Motor Neurone Disease. This includes managing pain and stiffness, physiotherapy for maintaining muscle strength and mobility, and even speech and language therapy to aid with communication difficulties. We can assist with managing medication, physical support, activities of daily living and anything else you require to put you and your family at ease in the comfort of your own home.
Our Services Include:
- Advice on acquiring hospital equipment such as beds, moving and handling equipment
- Live in care, day/night support, or visiting services
- Mobility support and personal care
- Clinical expertise, with highly skilled registered nurses or carers
- Pain control including medication management
- Collaboration with other healthcare professionals
- Bespoke care plan, ensuring comfort and ease
Get in touch to find out more about our MND Care Services.
020 3008 5210Contact Us
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Frequently Asked Questions
MND care at home enables you to preserve your independence and comfort for as long as possible. We understand the significance of maintaining familiarity and safety of your own home an our qualified nurses and carers are ready to assist you with activities of daily living, such as personal care, medication management, dressing and preparing meals. This enables you to enjoy time with your loved ones while having a peace of mind knowing your care needs are taken care of.
Early symptoms can include: weakness in your ankle or leg, slurred speech, which may develop into difficulty swallowing some foods, a weak grip, muscle cramps and twitches, weight loss, arms or leg muscles may have become thinner over time, difficulty stopping yourself crying or laughing in inappropriate situations.
The various types of MND cause similar symptoms and have three stages: early, middle, and advanced. The early stage symptoms typically begin with the arms and legs, the mouth and the respiratory system. During the middle stage they symptoms may be difficulty moving, joint pain, muscle shrinkage, drooling as a result of problems with swallowing and difficulty in breathing.
In the advance stage, people needs assistance with moving, eating, breathing, or a combination of these. The condition may become life threatening and breathing problems are the most common cause of death. The progress of the disease is at different speed and varies in severity.
As MND can be swiftly progressive, it is essential that people with the condition are presented with an option of referral to specialist palliative care services at an optimal time. Liaising with palliative care and specialist services can offer a useful source of support. Should discussions take place around preference for end of life care for motor neurone disease, an advanced personalised care plan should be developed.
MND is caused by a problem with cells in the brain and nerves called motor neurones. These cells progressively lose their function over time, the cause of this is unknown. Having a close relative diagnosed with motor neurone disease or related condition called frontotemporal dementia, can slightly increase your risk of developing one of these conditions.
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The enquiry process - What to expect
Initial Enquiry
An initial enquiry is taken when you call on behalf of yourself or someone else. An initial enquiry can be via a phone call, submitting a contact form or an email. Your enquiry is then picked up by the office team who will gather the information and pass it through to one of our nurse managers.
Call Back from Nurse Manager
One of the experienced nurse managers will give you a call back to discuss the needs in more detail and to provide their expert recommendation on the care that may be required. They will then discuss with you, what Cavendish Homecare may be able to provide, what the cost is, and what timescale we would be able to commence your care.
Selection of Staff
Once an initial agreement is established, the nursing manager will start working with the bookings team to determine the most suitable nurse and/or carer are best matched with your needs.
Proposed Agreement
Following the tailored care recommendation and the selection of staff. We ensure you (the client) are happy with the proposed course of action and the care is able to commence. In some cases, an assessment visit may be required and this will be undertaken by one of our nurse managers.
Active Client
You will begin receiving outstanding homecare from our team, tailored to your needs. Your care plan will be under constant review to ensure the correct level of care is addressing your needs and being provided at all times.
An initial enquiry is taken when you call on behalf of yourself or someone else. An initial enquiry can be via a phone call, submitting a contact form or an email. Your enquiry is then picked up by the office team who will gather the information and pass it through to one of our nurse managers.